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Meet our new Group CEO – Andrew Swinand

Meet our new Group CEO – Andrew Swinand

Andrew Swinand has been appointed as our new Group Chief Executive Officer (GCEO) to build on our exponential growth and deliver our mission to redefine marketing for brands around the world with our tech-led approach to content creation.   Andrew’s joining us on...

Meet our new Group CEO – Andrew Swinand

Meet our new Group CEO – Andrew Swinand

Andrew Swinand has been appointed as our new Group Chief Executive Officer (GCEO) to build on our exponential growth and deliver our mission to redefine marketing for brands around the world with our tech-led approach to content creation.   Andrew’s joining us on...

Want XR technology in your marketing? Watch our road test

Want XR technology in your marketing? Watch our road test

We wanted to demo the amazing capabilities of ITG Capture’s XR technology, so our on-site team created a piece of automotive content that brought together multiple locations under one roof at our state-of-the-art Birmingham facility. Tapping into the power of the...

Managing Bayer’s marketing automation through Salesforce

Managing Bayer’s marketing automation through Salesforce

Our dedicated team of Salesforce consultants manage the strategic integration and execution of marketing automation using Salesforce Marketing Cloud (SFMC).   Our marketing technology expertise isn’t limited to our own CanopyDeploy platform – in fact, we have...